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“Less Stress, more energy

There are many benefits to body, mind and spirit noticed very quickly when practising Qigong.

There is much ongoing and very conclusive research being conducted on the many benefits of regular Qigong practise, particularly in the US and in China.

Benefits in regards to the nervous system, the slow flowing movements taking one into the parasympathetic nervous system and out of the fight, flight or freeze sympathetic one, are most noted.

Reducing anxiety and improving relaxation, helping depression, and feelings of helplessness, addiction, blood pressure, along with improving physical balance, preventing falls, joint flexibility, mobility, increased energy, and better improved breathing and fitness, social harmony and connectedness when practising with others, and in nature particularly also, are just some of the many benefits well documented and also most apparent when practising.

The meditative natural state that ensues with the quietening of the mind and all its incessant mental chatter and narration, is extremely peaceful, much like when for a moment we watch a sunset, a full moon, or lose ourselves in a movie or good book, forgetting ourselves and any burdens we think we may carry.

Qigong can be used for specific conditions also, particularly with its foundations very much stemming from traditional Chinese Medicine, including acupressure, acupuncture and nutrition.

As Lee Holden says “Add life to your years, not just years to your life”.

In fact it was an injured lower back that started both Lee and Mark on their own Qigong paths initially.

Although the benefits are listed, researched and documented in abundance, and can be investigated and personally researched at length, the very best way to validate or authenticate these however is to personally experience them for yourself by commencing your practise.

The great aspect particular to Qigong, which really makes it stand out amongst its contemporaries, is that even the most simple of practises learned easily and quickly, performed without effort or hard sweat, can have tremendous benefits, without requiring years of study and practise to develop.

Of course, as inclined and as of interest, one can go deeper and deeper into the practise, with more involved practises, such as Microcosmic Orbit, the Three Treasures, Traditional Chinese Medicine, or a whole array of practises and techniques, as one wishes, but many many benefits can be attained without so ever doing.

People are born soft and supple;
Dead, they are stiff and hard.
Plants are born tender and pliant;
Dead, they are brittle and dry.

Thus whoever is stiff and inflexible
Is a disciple of death.
Whoever is soft and yielding
Is a disciple of life.

The hard and stiff will be broken.
The soft and supple will prevail.

Tao Te Ching, Verse 76.

The bamboo that bends
Is stronger than the oak
That resists.

A moving hinge never rusts.

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