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The information provided by Mark and Wild Swan Flowing River is for educational purposes and is not intended to replace the advice, diagnosis, or treatments of your physician or healthcare practitioner. We encourage you to seek advice from your qualified medical professional or physician regarding the applicability of any suggested practices.

Wild Swan Flowing River website proudly developed by OnFocus (click developer link for more information).


It is considered that in all outdoor public space venues, such as parks, and recreational grounds, Mark will practise all the movements and flows and describe what he is doing in each, with all necessary commentary, but is not acting in any way as a personal trainer or in similar role, or capacity here. The model of operation utilised is simply one of a friendship group, simply practising together; much like in China, and other Asian countries. In analogy, it is as if Mark were to run around the park and other people simply follow him round, as a group of friends, chatting and running alongside also. Although as a fully qualified Qigong Teacher with appropriate professional insurance and qualification, no money is being paid, no fee administered, thus no transaction, and therefore is not considered in charge of, or responsible for, or to represent the group collectively.

It is the responsibility of all individuals to ensure that they are suitably fit and healthy sufficiently to participate, and do so at their own discretion, and own risk, ensuring their personal wellbeing and safety at all times, exactly as all other fellow park users. Children under 16 must be accompanied by a parent, or guardian. There will be no forms to complete, be signed, and no personal details collected or required to participate, thus no personal data is held electronically. Assurance is offered that we practise in accordance with the tradition fully, in line with common practise as recommended. As expressed, if any movement causes discomfort, then this should be ceased immediately.

our vision

Finding Serenity With Wild Swan Flowing River

For any query please email us!