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Wild Swan Flowing River Qigong was started with the sole intention of benefiting people, improving wellbeing, protecting mental health and building community, without hierarchy, or authority, without any profit, or requirement for money or transaction.

Fully accessible for all locally to Marlow, it too is hoped that, much like in China, and many Eastern Countries, this too could become a practise that brings people together, often in nature, and grows to other areas as communities build.

All Qigong Teachers who have the necessary skills and qualification are most welcome to participate equally, with the same motivation, of no financial benefit, or marketing opportunity, or other egoic disharmony to the pure and honest intentions of what is being undertaken here.

In time it is too hoped that more practitioners will also train formally and help the community grow, free from bureaucracy, hierarchy, red tape, or agendas, other than the wish to simply benefit ones fellow human in an often disharmonious and fragmented society.

It is fully intended that this develop as a community of like minded people, understanding and feeling the benefits, is shared, and not in one, or several persons or teachers controlling affairs.

Having a name, in this case Wild Swan Flowing River Qigongthe name chosen for its relevance to Marlow and the Thames , was felt necessary, in order to form a community, and have it referred to as something, for convenience, and for increased awareness.

our vision

Finding Serenity With Wild Swan Flowing River

For any query please email us!