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Having worked as a Psychotherapist specialising in Suicide, predominantly volunteering with Stamp Out Suicide (SOS), for the last decade, it was found that many people required a daily go to practise, in addition to talking therapies which was accessible, and beneficial, and without any specific equipment, or premises.

This was found necessary, particularly in maintaining wellbeing and harmony, long after the counselling had concluded.

It was very apparent, that many people who had battled unhealthy destructive addictions, such as drugs use, or alcohol, often filled this void by other activities, such as excessive exercise, or complete absorption in a particular interest or sport, thus although much healthier pursuit, equally detrimental and fragile in not gaining true balance and harmony, just often in further avoidance.

Having many requests for such opportunities of places where people could do such activity, whether on retreat, or in classes, yet not being able to recommend any such places, prompted this intention to assist to develop and evolve.

Other forms of moving meditation could prove quite inaccessible or require years of practise, or highly specialist training before they could be undertaken and the benefits come to fruition.

Too, previously having spent over a decade, working for the County, in the capacity of a school (maths) teacher, mainstream, special needs, and later in behavioural roles, there seems inadequate provision both for students and staff, in managing stress and anxiety, and the pressures of modern living, and a simple skill such as learning Qigong could benefit here greatly.

It would be great to see such wellbeing practises and tools equipping people suitably for life, and not as often is the case in institutions merely paying lip service to the latest trend or gimmick, and then dropping it, or not implementing it fully to its proper potential.

our vision

Finding Serenity With Wild Swan Flowing River

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