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Who Can Practise

Anyone can practise Qigong, and with a small amount of instruction, can commence and develop a personal practise, which can be used as required, and the duration of a session be from a few minutes, and a few basic core practises, to longer hour plus sessions.

A core daily practise can quickly be learned and taken away, to either practise by oneself, and too as part of a community.

Many people find the slow repetitious, accessibility, and simplicity of Qigong much easier than more complex forms of Tai Chi, which often take years to learn; less difficult or energetic to perform than yoga, particularly in its more vigorous forms; and much easier to undertake than seated meditation, where the stilling of mind is often beyond many peopleinclinations or perseverance, and often things seems to get worse before they get better.

Qigong can thus be continued well into and through our older years, can be performed seated, practised using a chair for balance, or adapted for any limitations we may have placed upon us, internally or externally.

There is a saying in Qigong “No pain, no pain!”

Qigong can be practised as a group, as in many eastern countries, where large groups of people come together in parks, outdoors in nature, in squares, and inside in less suitable weather. It equally can be practised alone at home, or anywhere one wishes, particularly as no equipment is required whatsoever.

It is a wonderful practise to do in nature, by lakes, rivers, in woods, on hills and mountains, by the sea, in the sea, at sunset, dawn, under the stars, or anywhere or anytime one feels inclined. It can even be done in very limited conditions, such as the office, kitchen, back of a plane, on a train, or hotel room, even prison cell.

It is excellent for building communities, re-communing with nature, and whatever is important to us, grounding us, and giving perspective and a sense of belonging to something bigger than ourselves.

No equipment is needed or special clothes, but loose clothing permitting movement is more comfortable, and various shoes and Qigong specific clothing are also available as preference and style dictates. However, it can be equally practised in jeans, a suit, uniform, or whatever we find ourselves wearing.

It is nice to do Qigong barefoot too, when the environment permits to allow a feeling of fully reconnecting to the earth, as we gently go through the flows.

our vision

Finding Serenity With Wild Swan Flowing River

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